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本文介绍两个通过软件改进,提高计算机可靠性的实例,供同行参考。 1.外部设备因干扰锁死的处理 86年笔者为电石厂2.3万KVA电石炉编制了电流微机控制软件,经过一年多的运行考验,基本上做到了长周期稳定运行。在运行中发现,外部设备对干扰很敏感。由于大部分外部设备工作在查询方式,当干扰一旦破坏了外部设备的状态,就会导致服务程序锁死。为了解决这个问题,本人在中断服务程序中通过超时判断来避免,下面以打印机为例,程序框图如图1。说明:TIME单元应根据正常打印时间是ms级还是s级在时钟程序中计数。EXTENT为最大正常打 This article describes two examples of software improvements that improve the reliability of your computer for peer reference. 1. External equipment due to interference with the lock handling 86 years I prepared for calcium carbide plant 2.3 million KVA calcium carbide current computer control software, after more than a year of running the test, basically done a long period of stable operation. Found in operation, external devices are sensitive to interference. Because most of the external devices work in the query mode, when the interference destroyed the state of the external device, it will cause the service program to lock up. In order to solve this problem, I am in the interrupt service routine to determine by timeout to avoid the following to the printer, for example, the block diagram in Figure 1. Description: TIME unit should be based on the normal print time is ms-level or s-level count in the clock program. EXTENT for the maximum normal play
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她的事迹曾经在中央电视台“东方时空”栏目中连续播三集。被称为“小巷总理”的宁波市海曙区人大代表戴凤娥,从关注民生小事做起,积极履行代表职务,成为宁波人民心中的“知名人士”    戴凤娥戴一副眼镜,整天忙忙碌碌,履行着一名人大代表和社区党委书记的职责。不过,社区居民们口口相传,更多的是她作为一位人大代表经常“为民代言”的一件件“小事”。    一个平常的接待日    每月21号,是戴凤娥的“区人大代
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