
来源 :房地产导刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaofeijacky1
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截至今年4月,“新国四条”已出台整整两年,“新国八条”调控政策也历时一年有余,作为房地产市场的上游,土地市场自年初以来一直呈现供需双降的局面。同时,温家宝总理继续强调房地产调控政策不动摇,表示决不让调控出现反复,再次显示了中央政府对房地产调控的坚定决心。 As of April this year, the “New Country Four” has been put into operation for two full years and the “New State Eight” policy has lasted for more than one year. As the upstream of the real estate market, the land market has been in double-supply and demand since the beginning of this year situation. In the meantime, Premier Wen Jiabao continued to emphasize that the real estate regulation and control policy will not falter, saying that it will never allow the regulation to repeat itself and once again demonstrate the firm determination of the central government in regulating the real estate industry.
集成了传感器、微机电系统和网络三大技术而形成的无线传感器网络(W SN)是一种全新的信息获取和处理技术。基于自组织机制和网内处理的数据融合技术能克服能量损耗与带宽的限
Dynamic spectrum access policy is crucial in improving the performance of overlay cognitive radio networks.Most of the previous works on spectrum sensing and dy