
来源 :中国热带医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanyue1314
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目的分析2012年广西手足口病流行病学特征,为科学防控手足口病提供参考依据。方法应用描述性流行病学方法对2012年广西手足口病疫情资料进行统计分析。结果 2012年共报告手足口病病例231 984例,重症病例2 236例,死亡123例,报告发病率为499.43/10万,病死率为0.053%。报告病例中5岁以下儿童占91.85%,病原学监测中EV71阳性率为39.92%,死亡病例中EV71阳性率达97.37%。结论 2012年广西手足口病整体高发,呈点多、面广、局部有暴发流行的特征,发病高峰为4~5月,主要危及5岁以下儿童,病原以EV71为主。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hand, foot and mouth disease in Guangxi in 2012 and provide reference for scientific prevention and control of hand, foot and mouth disease. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the epidemic data of HFMD in Guangxi in 2012. Results A total of 231 984 HFMD cases were reported in 2012, including 236 cases of severe cases and 123 cases of death. The reported incidence was 499.43 / 100 000 and the case fatality rate was 0.053%. 91.85% of the children under the age of 5 were reported in the reported cases, the positive rate of EV71 in etiological monitoring was 39.92%, and the positive rate of EV71 in death was 97.37%. Conclusion The HFMD in Guangxi Province in 2012 is characterized by high incidence and wide distribution with local outbreaks. The peak incidence is from April to May. The main endanger of children under 5 years of age is EV71.
目的 探讨急性心肌梗死合并低血钾患者梗死部位、冠状动脉病变及预后的关系. 方法 将212例急性心肌梗死患者发病后血钾水平分为两组:A组(低血钾组,血钾<3.5mmol/L);B组(血钾正
目的了解手足口病合并脑炎病例的临床特点。方法对2011年4月~2012年3月在平顶山市某医院住院的手足口病合并脑炎169例进行描述性分析。结果 169例患儿中多数为男性3岁以下散居
目的 探讨全自动核酸纯化系统在实时荧光定量检测中的应用价值. 方法 手工法和全自动核酸纯化系统配套不同磁珠法试剂,分别提取HCV及肠道病毒核酸样本,通过实施荧光定量检测
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春节过后 ,国内粮油市场购销活动逐步活跃。本月粮油市场行情不同品种走势各异。由于禽流感的扩散 ,导致大宗饲料原料玉米、豆粕等品种的价格本月出现回落 ;由于库存快速下降
目的分析陕县2011~2012年布鲁氏菌病人间发病特征。方法对2011~2012年陕县主动监测和被动监测资料进行整理、分析及统计处理。结果 2年间报告83例新发病例,2012年与2011年相比