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图书采编业务外包的优点主要有降低成本提高图书馆工作效率,同时也存在编目数据质量不高,加工不标准和图书质量不高等方面的问题。目前,解决高校图书馆采编业务外包存在的问题的方式笔者认为主要有两个即加大对采编人员的监督力度和验收力度来确保图书质量,加强书商编目人员的业务培训来确保数据质量。 The advantages of book acquisition and business outsourcing mainly include lowering the cost and improving the work efficiency of the library. At the same time, there are some problems such as poor quality of catalog data, non-standard processing and poor quality of books. At present, the way to solve the problems existing in the outsourcing of college library editing and editing business is that the author believes that there are two main ones, that is, intensifying the supervision and inspection of the editors, ensuring the quality of books and strengthening the business training of the bookseller’s cataloging staff to ensure the data quality.
“五月花”号大木船 波士顿海边停放着一只大木船,它的名字叫“五月花”,这是一艘200多年前的老船,它是载着首批移民进入美洲的船,仍然完好无损。看到它我想到正是这些一批
意大利烤鸡比萨: 原料 腌鸡肉。 辅料 番茄、马苏里拉芝士、洋葱、红椒、烤肉汁。 特点 外香酥脆,奶酪浓香。 Italian roasted chicken pizza: raw marinated chicken. Acc
欧洲文明和美洲土著文化编织的杰作——巴拿马,去年11月28日,迎来它独立100周年的庆典。 The masterpiece of the European Civilization and Native American Culture weav
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It is said the village banquet held in Habo village in Yuanyang County of SW China’s Yunnan province is the biggest, most primitive, most spectacular, and mos