Integration Between Enterprise Process Monitoring and Controlling System and Enterprise Application

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:summercoming1
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The relationships and the features of integration between Enterprise Process Monitoring and Controlling System (EPMCS) and Enterprise Process Related Applications (EPRA) were analyzed. An integration architecture centered on EPMCS was presented, in which there were four layers to connect from EPMCS to EPRA:EPMCS, application integration layer, transport layer and EPRA, and there were four layers used to etstablish integration: presentation layer, function layer, data layer and system layer. The frameworks to connect EPMCS and EPRA were designed, that Enterprise-Independent Model (EIM), Enterprise-Specific Model (ESM) and meta-model to describe these two models were defined. The method to integrate data based on XML was designed to exchange data from EPMCS to EPRA according to the mapping between EIM and ESM. The approches are suitable for integrating EPMCS and systems in Product Data Management (PDM), project management and enterprise business management. The relationships and the features of integration between Enterprise Process Monitoring and Controlling System (EPMCS) and Enterprise Process Related Applications (EPRA) were analyzed. An integration architecture centered on EPMCS was presented, in which there were four layers to connect from EPMCS to EPRA: EPMCS, application integration layer, transport layer and EPRA, and there were four layers used to etstablish integration: presentation layer, function layer, data layer and system layer. The frameworks to connect EPMCS and EPRA were designed, that Enterprise-Independent Model (EIM ), Enterprise-Specific Model (ESM) and meta-model to describe these two models were defined. The method to integrate data based on XML was designed to exchange data from EPMCS to EPRA according to the mapping between EIM and ESM. The approches are suitable for integrating EPMCS and systems in Product Data Management (PDM), project management and enterprise business management.
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