Pentalogy for Translation Strategies of Chinese Diet with Local Characteristics

来源 :校园英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zylalazy
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The culture of Chinese diet with a long history is extensive and profound.Its distinctive regionality shows different cultural tastes and connotations to people from all over the world.The cultural implication of Chinese diet with local characteristics has been passed down and promoted from generation to generation, receiving the attention and acclaim from foreign guests.The purpose as to make foreign people learn more about Chinese diet is in need of translator’s reasonable and appropriate translation.But the varied translated versions about Chinese diet with local characteristics revealed many inadequacies which are worth reflecting, studying, and putting forward more complete translation strategies. The culture of Chinese diet with a long history is extensive and profound. Its distinctive regionality shows different cultural tastes and connotations to people from all over the world. Cultural implication of Chinese diet with local characteristics has been passed down and promoted from generation to generation. , receiving the attention and acclaim from foreign guests. The purpose as to make foreign people learn more about Chinese diet is in need of translator’s reasonable and appropriate translation. The the same translated versions of Chinese diet with local characteristics revealed many inadequacies which are are reflective , studying, and putting forward more complete translation strategies.
1.Introduction The True Story of Ah Q is Lu Xun’s most celebrated story.It is set in the China of 1911:the period of the old-democratic revolution.It depicts a
Within the study I conducted,the sitcom Friends was the focus of verbal humour,which was identified,as well as analysed.This helped apply Cooperative Principle
【摘要】由于信息化教学逐渐进入成熟阶段,讨论的重点应从信息化教学的推广和普及转向如何有效实施信息化教学以提高教学质量的问题上来,这是信息化教学实现深入发展和突破创新的必要途径。基于美国著名教育学家、课程理论专家泰勒提出的“泰勒原理”,围绕课程目标的确定及其实现、评价对信息化教学时代下的高职英语课程改革进行探讨。  【关键词】高职英语 信息化教学 泰勒原理 教学目标  根据泰勒课程论框架,可将高职英
【摘要】手机短信具有独特的文体风格。本文在一定数量实例的基础上,分析了中英文短信在文体上的相同和相异之处及其成因。  【关键词】手机短信 文体特征 成因  手机短信有其特殊的娱乐功能,情感功能,互动功能和教育功能。为了以最少的文字表达最大的信息量,追求传播效率的最大化,短信具有短小精悍、言简意赅,新奇耐读等独特的文体特征。本文以中英文个人短信为载体,粗略地分析了其文体特征异同及其成因。  一、中英