Experimental study on minimum resolvable velocity for heterodyne laser Doppler vibrometry

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuwenhuaji11987
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A high spatial resolution,high velocity resolution all-fiber laser Doppler vibrometry(LDV) based on heterodyne detection for vibration measurements is reported.A linewidth of 1-kHz single-mode continuous fiber laser,polarization-preserving fiber,and a telescope with 30-mm aperture are used in this LDV.With the inphase-quadrature circuit and the digital differentiating discriminator,a high velocity resolution of 96.9 nm/s and a high displacement resolution of 2.5 pm are obtained simultaneously with a glass attached to a piezoceramic transducer.These values correspond to the measurement uncertainties of vibration velocity and displacement within 4.14% and 4.6%,respectively. A high spatial resolution, high velocity resolution all-fiber laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV) based on heterodyne detection for vibration measurements is reported. A linewidth of 1-kHz single-mode continuous fiber laser, polarization- preserving fiber, and a telescope with 30 -mm aperture are used in this LDV. The inphase-quadrature circuit and the digital differential discriminator, a high velocity resolution of 96.9 nm / s and a high displacement resolution of 2.5 pm are obtained with a glass attached to a piezoceramic transducer. These values ​​correspond to the measurement uncertaintyties of vibration velocity and displacement within 4.14% and 4.6% respectively.
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通过Alternaria tenuis 菌孢的实验室热模拟试验,进行了菌孢反射率、荧光、有机差热及X射线衍射等测试分析。在热演化过程中, 菌孢的菌孢反射率随温度的升高而逐渐增大;荧光随温度的升高逐渐减
引子Uu Braun,1976出生于德国南方巴伐利亚一个叫Schongau的小城。现在主要生活和工作在柏林。1996年至1999年在奥地利学习绘画和试验电影,2001年至2006年在波茨坦电影大学学
国产堇青石在质量上与进口产品存在一定的差距,通过化学分析、X射线衍射、红外光谱和扫描电镜的研究,堇青石的矿物特征差异与堇青石及其产品性能有关。 Domestic cordierite ha