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恐怖活动作为人类冲突的一种特殊表现形式,已有较长的历史。在中外历史资料中,都不乏一些见诸史册的恐怖事件。20世纪60年代以来,国际政治格局发生重大变化,长达数十年的冷战宣告结束,但国际冲突与不稳定因素此消彼长,持续发展,为国际恐怖主义提供了新的土壤。重大伤亡的恐怖活动频发,恐怖手段、战术不断升级,袭击目标转向重大目标和群体目标,成为对国际安全的重大威胁因素。这类无军事武力、无确定目标、无战场的小规模准扩散战争时刻需要我们积极做好应战准备。特别值得关注的是,化学恐怖活动已在世界多个国家发生,并造成了比传统爆炸、枪杀等恐怖事件更为恶劣的危害后果和影响,已引起世界各国的高度关注。本文将就化学恐怖的威胁现状及有关防范对策展开论述,为我国应对化学恐怖活动的安全防范提供必要的参考。 As a special manifestation of human conflicts, terrorist activities have a long history. In the historical data both at home and abroad, there is no lack of some horrific events that have appeared in the annals of history. Since the 1960s, major changes have taken place in the international political landscape. The decades-long cold war has ended. However, the conflicts and instability in international conflicts have taken a long-term turnaround and have provided new avenues for international terrorism. The frequent occurrence of terrorist activities with heavy casualties, the continual escalation of terrorist tactics and tactics, and the shift of their targets to major and group targets have become major threats to international security. Such a momentous small-scale quasi-proliferation war without military force, no definite objective and no battlefield requires that we actively prepare for the war. What is particularly noteworthy is that chemical terrorist activities have taken place in many countries of the world and caused even more harmful consequences and effects than those caused by traditional explosions and shootings. This has drawn great attention from all countries in the world. This article will discuss the status quo of chemical terror threats and countermeasures to prevent it, and provide the necessary reference for our country to deal with chemical terrorism.
近来,随着媒体对物联网的广泛宣传,人们对物联网的概念和应有前景逐步有了一些基础的认识。简单地说,物联网是在计算机互联网的基础上,利用RFID、无线数据通信等技术,构造一个覆盖世界上万事万物的"Internet of Things"。物联网包括了感知层、网络层和应用层,在这个网络中,所有物品能够通过射频识别(RFID)、红外感应器、全球定位系统、激光扫描器等信息传感设备与互联网连接起来,进行信息交换