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今年以来,我省工业在保持高位运行的情况下,实现了速度与效益的同步提高。1-9月全省完成工业增加值11.3亿元,按可比口径计算,比去年同期增长21.4%,拉动全省经济增长7个百分点;实现利润首次突破22亿元大关,创历史新高。规模以下工业是全省工业经济的重要组成部分,据抽样调查资料推算,今年前三季度规模以下工业实现工业总产值47.73亿元,同比增长16.22%;实现工业增加值20.41亿元,同比增长18.2%。工业良好的发展势头,对全省国民经济继续保持持续、快速、协调、健康发展起到了重要的支撑作用。在全省各地区、各部门认真贯彻落实省委十届三次、四次全委会精神和国家宏观调控及科学发展观,统筹经济社会发展的大背景下,我 Since the beginning of this year, the industrialization of our province has achieved the simultaneous increase of speed and efficiency while maintaining its high level of operation. From January to September, the province’s industrial added value was 1.13 billion yuan, up 21.4% over the same period of previous year, a 7% increase over the same period of last year. Its profit topped the record high of 2.2 billion yuan for the first time. According to the sample survey data, the industrial output below designated size in the first three quarters of this year was 4.773 billion yuan, an increase of 16.22% over the same period of last year; the industrial added value reached 2.041 billion yuan, up by 18.2% over the same period of previous year %. The good momentum of industrial development has played an important supporting role in maintaining the sustained, rapid, coordinated and healthy development of the national economy in the province. In all the regions and departments of the province, I conscientiously implemented the spirit of the Third and Fourth Committees of the Tenth Provincial Committee, the macro-control of the state and the scientific concept of development and the overall economic and social development
上期回顾:  许家老爷子大寿,却因为许南征3GR网站一些难听的金融传闻而大发雷霆,亲戚朋友都不敢靠近,唯独笑笑跑去书房打圆场。哄了足足十分钟,才把老爷子逗乐,笑笑为许南征松了口气。晚饭后,许南征送笑笑回家,笑笑想让许南征放松下而提议去吃宵夜,结果临时接到公司电话,两人一同来到了3GR。  这么多年,这么多人,从西藏吉隆坡,到香港柬埔寨,我一直以为和你隔着很多东西。  却在渐行渐远时,才真正明白,答
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对La0.9Ce0.1Fe11.44Si1.56合金进行饱和吸氢,之后在不同放氢温度(Td=200~250℃)下进行3 h放氢处理,得到H含量不同即具有不同Curie温度(TC)的氢化物,对其相结构和磁热效应进
鸭鸭推荐:清尧说这个稿子他修改了七八遍(其实并没有),因此每天都在群里哀号痛哭。但事实上呢,他在因感冒发烧而请假的下午,依然从床上爬起来认认真真地将这个稿子修改好了。没错,他是一个大半年才交一次稿的懒鬼,但他同样也是用真心在写字的好孩子呢,对吧。  01.夏天被树叶裁成了细小的光  乌头镇惊现东汉墓葬群的消息不过刚发布一天,考察队伍以及游人便纷至沓来。就连镇东头立的建镇牌坊,都赫然变成了旅游景点,
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