责任明 措施实 效果好——嘉定区5个镇消灭亏损企业

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乡镇企业亏损面不断扩大、亏损额日趋上升已成为当今困扰农村经济迅速发展的主要因素之一。嘉定区各镇领导在一手抓项目开发和招商的同时,另一手狠抓亏损企业的扭亏增盈工作,把消灭亏损企业作为当前工作的重要任务,力求通过落实责任、转换机制来增强企业活力,促使经济健康发展。经过一段时间努力,已取得一定成效。该区戬浜、南翔、黄渡、曹王、 The continuous increase in the loss of township and township enterprises and the rising losses have become one of the major factors that have plagued the rapid development of rural economy. The leaders of the Jiading District towns and towns, while grasping the development of projects and attracting investment at the same time, have also focused on the loss-reducing and profit-increasing work of loss-making enterprises, making the elimination of loss-making enterprises an important task for the current work, and striving to enhance the vigor of the enterprise through the implementation of responsibilities and conversion mechanisms. Promote healthy economic development. After some time of hard work, certain results have been achieved. The district is Min, Nanxiang, Huangdu, Caowang,
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蹲下去跟孩子说话,你能做到吗?我想,如果做一个这样的问卷调查,相信许多家长不能给予肯定的回答。我们平时常说:生活要注重细节,细节会起到不可估量 Crouching down to talk
摘 要:本文通过对中学生进行英语听力策略的调查研究,试图找出适合广大中学生的英语听力策略来对学生进行训练和指导,以求能发现听力策略的训练与中学生的听力成绩的提高之间的关系。  关键词:英语听力策略 调查研究 指导训练  中图分类号:G633.41文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1875(2007)02-063-02    一引言    英语学习策略一直是我国内外英语和学界年关注的重要研究领域对英
截至2009年,江宁区已有各类老年学校204所,社区(村)办学率为90%,街道集镇办学率实现100%。区委、区政府自始至终关心老年教育,成立了由区委分管 As of 2009, there are 204