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以“三项政策,一项改革”为重点的粮食流通体制改革推行一年多来,在实践中起到了积极作用,但还存在着一些矛盾和问题,需要引起足够的重视和警惕,并采取切实有效的措施加以解决和改进。当前粮改中的主要矛盾:收购与销售的矛盾。市场粮食供过于求,粮食购销企业顺价销售的难度较大。今年以来,一些地方改变对粮食的财政补贴办法,实行促销压库的奖惩政策,使企业产生了错误认识,加之库存限制,企业收购积极性不高,出现了1999年夏粮收购开称晚、进度慢,同时压级压价严重的现象,极大损害了农民利益。一个时期,农村私商粮贩活动频繁,收购的小麦价格低至4毛多钱 The reform of grain circulation system focusing on “three policies and one reform” has been implemented for more than a year and has played a positive role in practice. However, there are still some contradictions and problems that need to be given adequate attention and vigilance and taken Effective measures to solve and improve. The main contradiction in the current grain reform: the conflict between acquisition and sales. Market oversupply of food, grain buying and selling companies selling at a relatively difficult price. Since the beginning of this year, some local governments have changed the fiscal subsidies for grain and promoted the policy of rewards and punishments for sales and storage. As a result, enterprises have misunderstood the situation. In addition, due to the limitation of stocks and the lack of enthusiasm for business acquisitions, At the same time, the phenomenon of serious pressure on prices and pressure on farmers has greatly damaged the interests of peasants. In a period of time, frequent activities of private grain traders in rural areas, the purchase price of wheat as low as 4 cents more money
通过使用纤维支气管镜对2184例次患者进行检查,其中临床疑诊肺癌的1280例次,经病理及/或细胞学确诊为肺癌有499例,占40%。作者对499例纤维文气管镜检查所见进行了分析. Through th
不要让历史成为负担。这是尼采的告诫。而美国之所以选择先进的民主模式来治理国家,固然缘于华盛顿、富兰克林、杰斐逊、麦迪逊、亚当斯和汉密尔顿等人的超 Do not make his
Multiprimer──PCRforscreeningofIgHandT-cellreceptorrearrangedgenesinacutelymphoblasticleukemiaXuBing徐兵,ZhouShuyun周淑芸andsunJing... Multiprimer──PCRforscreeningofIgHandT-cellreceptorrearrangedgenesinacutelymphoblasticleukemiaXuBing Xu Bing,ZhouShuyun Zhou S
为了观察腔内免疫放化治疗晚期食管癌的效果,选择经X线、胃镜及病理检查确诊的晚期食管癌32例,随机分为两组。治疗组在内镜直视下腔内注射放射性32P、丝裂霉素C、长春新硷及卡介苗,每月1次;对照组给予5-FU及米托蒽醌,静脉注射,每月1次,或口服FT 207。结果有效率(CR+PR)治疗组为81.3%,对照组为25%(P<0.01);一年生存率治疗组为43.8%,对照组为6.2%(P<0.01);一般