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采用干、湿漏斗分离法,在山东省陵县采集了试验田的Bt棉(新棉33B)和常规棉(中棉12)及大田条件下Bt棉的0~15cm土层中的土壤无脊椎动物,并对其群落结构进行了分析.结果表明,线虫和螨类是3种类型棉田的优势土壤动物类群,其频度分别为60%~85%和9%~27%.试验田的常规棉和Bt棉相比,33B棉田土壤动物的类群较多,线虫、鞘翅目、双翅目数量和土壤动物总数均较高,但各土层土壤动物的多样性指数H’和均匀度指数J值均较低.试验田和大田的33B相比,其土壤动物的类群数相近,但大田33B的轮虫和线蚓数量较高,线虫、蠋、鞘翅目数量和土壤动物总数均较低,各土层土壤动物的多样性和均匀度均较高.Rényi多样性指数曲线也表明,试验田33B棉田的土壤动物多样性高于中棉12,大田33B的土壤动物多样性高于33B试验田.6~11月期间,各土层土壤动物的数量动态在不同类型棉田趋势基本相同.7月是中棉12棉田土壤动物数量的高峰期,9月是试验田和大田33B的高峰期.试验田的中棉12和33B棉田,6~8月土壤动物的多样性指数和均匀度指数变化趋势较为一致;9~10月,33B棉田土壤动物的多样性和均匀度较高.6~11月,大田33B土壤动物的多样性和均匀度均显著高于试验田33B.可见,棉花品种和实验地点等因素均可显著影响土壤动物的群落结构.Bt棉33B棉田的土壤动物多样性高于常规棉中棉12;大田33B的土壤动物多样性高于33B试验田.图2表4参29 The soil invertebrates were collected from Bt cotton (Xinmian 33B) and conventional cotton (Zhongmian 12) and 0-15 cm soil layers of Bt cotton under field conditions in dry and wet funnel separation method in Lingxian County, Shandong Province. The results showed that nematodes and mites were the predominant soil fauna in three types of cotton fields with frequency of 60% -85% and 9% -27% Compared with Bt cotton, the soil fauna in 33B cotton field had more taxa, nematodes, coleopterans, diploids and total number of soil animals, but the diversity indices H ’and evenness index J The number of soil animals in the experimental field was similar to 33B in the field, but the number of rotifers and earthworms in the field 33B was higher than that in the field, and the numbers of nematodes, galls, coleopterans and soil fauna were all lower, Soil animal diversity and evenness are higher.Rényi diversity index curve also showed that the 33B cotton field in the experimental field of soil animal diversity is higher than that of cotton 12, field 33B soil animal diversity is higher than 33B experimental field 6 ~ November During the period, the quantity of soil fauna in each soil layer was basically the same in different types of cotton fields July was the peak number of soil animals in BMC 12 cotton fields, and September was the peak of Piantian and Datian 33 B. The diversity index and evenness index of soil animals in BMC 12 and 33B cotton fields from June to August The trend of soil microbial diversity and uniformity in 33B cotton field was higher from September to October, while the diversity and evenness of soil animal in field 33B were significantly higher than that of experimental field 33B from June to November Experimental sites and other factors can significantly affect the community structure of soil animals.Bt cotton 33B cotton soil animal diversity is higher than conventional cotton 12; field 33B soil animal diversity is higher than the 33B experimental field Figure 2 Table 4 Reference 29