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在鹰潭公园的龙头山上,天气晴朗的下午会传来阵阵敲锣打鼓唱戏的声音,由不得你不进去看个究竟。不看不知道,一看你还真“吓”一跳,这里聚集着干余市民,在树荫底下聚精会神地看戏。爱看赣剧的市民围在赣剧的班子前,爱看黄梅戏的围在黄梅戏的班子前,爱看唱歌跳舞的围在唱歌跳舞的班子前,卖水、卖小食的小贩也赶到这里,兜售 Yingtan Park in the leading mountain, the weather will be coming afternoon, bursts of gongs and drums singing the sound, by not you do not go in to see what happens. Do not see do not know, a look you really “scared ” jump, here gathered more than a dozen people, concentrating on the theater under the shade of the tree. People who love to see the Jiangxi drama crowd in front of the Jiangxi Opera team, love to watch the Huangmei opera in the Huangmei opera before the team, love to watch the singing and dancing around the singing and dancing team, selling water, selling snacks hawkers rushed here to sell
During high power disk laser welding, the high-speed photography was used to measure the dynamic images of the laser-induced plume at different laser welding sp
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A compact high-voltage repetitive nanosecond pulse generator(HRNPG)was developed for studying the technology of repetitive nanosecond pulse technology and its r
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