创新产品 加工服务商的增值之途

来源 :数字印刷 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:colala2001
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主持人:上海数字印刷行业协会会长薛平一直以来印刷被冠以加工服务之名,很多从业者也把自己禁锢在提供生产服务当中,没有意识到可依托数字印刷的灵活性开发新产品、开拓新的应用领域;还有一部分从业者虽然没有创新的理念,但有很强的模仿能力,因此造成产品同质化竞争日渐激烈;还有一部分企业认为只有拥有高大上的设备,才会有活儿干,造成自身的产能过剩,不得不通过牺牲产品质量、降低价格,价格战也愈发激烈。高峰论坛正好为我们搭建了一个交流沟通的平台,让我们共同探讨“创新产品,加工服务商的增值之途”的议题。 Moderator: Xue Ping, president of Shanghai Digital Printing Industry Association, has always been printing in the name of processing services. Many practitioners also confined themselves to providing production services. They did not realize that they could develop new products based on the flexibility of digital printing. Open up new areas of application; there are some practitioners although there is no innovative ideas, but there is a strong ability to imitate, resulting in an increasingly competitive product homogeneity; there are still some companies that have high on the equipment, will have Work hard, resulting in their own overcapacity, had to sacrifice product quality, reduce prices, the price war is also increasingly fierce. Summit Forum just set up a platform for us to exchange ideas and let us discuss the issue of “the value-added way of innovative products and processing service providers”.
从古到今,上粮纳草本是老百姓天经地义的事,马万邦、吴永芳夫妻俩做梦也未曾想到因没缴乡统筹、村提留等法律规定的义务被村委会推上了被告席。 在过去,老百姓如不交粮、交
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