43 Years of Advances In Altered Life Forms

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Special to The New York Times WASHINGTON, June 7 The advances that make genetic engineering possible began in 1944, when Oswald T .Avery, Colin Macleod and Maclyn McCarthy, researchers at Rockefuller University in New York, determined that deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, carried the hereditary blue-print of all living things. The same year, congress passed the Public Health Service Act, which provided grants to universities Special to The New York Times WASHINGTON, June 7 The advances that make genetic engineering possible began in 1944, when Oswald T. Avery, Colin Macleod and Maclyn McCarthy, researchers at Rockefuller University in New York, determined that deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, carried The hereditary blue-print of all living things. The same year, congress passed the Public Health Service Act, which provided grants to universities.
英语形容词的主要用法是在句子中作定语和表语.其中有些形容词既能作定语又能作表语,而有些一般只能作定语或表语.如: 1.This is a white wall.(定语) 2.The wall is white.
英语中有一些国家的名字,如果把首字母小写就成了普通名词,意义全非.例如: China(中国)——china(瓷器,瓷料)Japan(日本)——japan(亮漆,日本漆)Russia(俄罗斯)——russia(
26.〔参考译文〕:“他们(清教徒)在寻找一个能按他们的想法朝拜上帝的地方。”〔题解〕:选B.in their own way.(in)one’s own way 是一个固定成语,表示“按……自己的办法
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