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一个全国最大的国有客运集团公司总经理,把企业作为自己私人金库,疯狂敛财,从1997年到2001年初短短的三年时间里,贪污、受贿及挪用公款近3000万元,其中大部分赃款用于修建占地2000余亩的私人庄园。然而,东窗事发,一审被判死刑。2003年2月10日上午9时30分,辽宁省沈阳市中级人民法院十一号法庭内庄严肃穆,座无虚席。沈阳巨贪、原沈阳客运集团公司总经理夏任凡正在接受一审宣判,上午10时30分,审判长宣布:被告人夏任凡贪污犯罪10起,贪污公款共计818.9万元;挪用公款犯罪5起,挪用公款共计1837.8万元;受贿8起,共计66.8万元;行贿1起,数额38.8万元。被告人夏任凡犯贪污罪,判处死刑, One of the country’s largest general manager of state-owned passenger transport company, the enterprise as their own personal vault, crazy money, from 1997 to early 2001 a short period of three years, corruption, bribery and embezzlement of nearly 30 million yuan, of which most of the stolen money For the construction of an area of ​​2000 acres of private manor. However, the incident occurred, the first instance was sentenced to death. At 9:30 on February 10, 2003, the No. 11 Court of Shenyang Intermediate People’s Court in Liaoning Province solemnly and completely packed. Shenyang huge greed, the former General Manager of Shenyang Passenger Transport Company Xia Ren Fan is receiving the verdict at 10:30, the presiding judge announced: the defendant Xire Ren Fan corruption 10, embezzlement of a total of 8.189 million yuan; misappropriation of public funds 5, misappropriation of public funds A total of 18.378 million yuan; 8 bribes, a total of 668,000 yuan; bribery 1, the amount of 388,000 yuan. Xia Renren accused of corruption crimes, sentenced to death,
“人们所熟悉的千军万马齐上阵、十几万人乃至几十万人涌向大堤与洪水抗争的惊心动魄场面少了、政府实施有效管 "The well-known people of millions of troops march into
作为信息化工作的重点,电子政务的建设目前在各省、市都在如火如荼地推进。本报特开设“电子政务神州行”栏目,对全国各地市的电子政务规划和建设现状进行追踪报道。 As the
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