Numerical Simulation of Stress-Strain State for Nonhomogeneous Shell-Type Structures Based on the Fi

来源 :材料科学建模与数值模拟(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjian26
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Projective-iterative version of finite element method has developed for numerical simulation of the stress-strain state of nonhomogeneous shell-type structures (shells with openings). Plastic deformation of the material is taken into account when using th
唐太宗李世民虚心纳谏的故事,流传千载,而一说到李世民纳谏,又必提到魏征,仿佛唯魏征是敢于犯颜谏诤之臣,其他人都是没嘴葫芦。其实,贞观一朝敢于直言进谏者甚众,跟皇帝唱反调的人大有人在,有的人胆量之大,言辞之激烈,令人赞叹,而李世民容忍和采纳谏言的胸襟气度,也令后人敬佩。  贞观初年,李世民为使“子孙长久,社稷永安”,听取了大臣萧瑀的建议,欲实行封建制,让朝臣议之。时任礼部侍郎(相当于今之副部长)的李
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