Nonlinear wake amplification by an active medium in a cylindrical waveguide using a modulated trigge

来源 :HighPowerLaserScienceandEngineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seraph72
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Cerenkov wake amplification can be used as an accelerating scheme, in which a trigger bunch of electrons propagating inside a cylindrical waveguide filled with an active medium generates an initial wake field. Due to the multiple reflections inside the waveguide, the wake may be amplified significantly more strongly than when propagating in a boundless medium. Sufficiently far away from the trigger bunch the wake, which travels with the same phase velocity as the bunch, reaches saturation and it can accelerate a second bunch of electrons trailing behind. For a CO2 gas mixture our numerical and analytical calculations indicate that a short saturation length and a high gradient can be achieved with a large waveguide radius filled with a high density of excited atoms and a trigger bunch that travels at a velocity slightly above the Cerenkov velocity. To obtain a stable level of saturated wake that will be suitable for particle acceleration, it is crucial to satisfy the single-mode resonance condition, which requires high accuracy in the waveguide radius and the ratio between the electron phase velocity and the Cerenkov velocity. For single-mode propagation our model indicates that it is feasible to obtain gradients as high as GV m?1 in a waveguide length of cm.
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汤姆逊散射(Thomson Scattering)对所研究的等离子体几乎没有干扰, 是诊断托卡马克等离子体电子温度和密度的重要工具。由于散射截面非常小, 最好采用90°散射方法, 使用输出线偏振光的高峰值功率调Q激光器作为光源以获得较强的散射信号和较高的信噪比。介绍了激光汤姆逊散射测量等离子体电子温度和电子密度的实验原理和方法, 磁约束聚变实验装置HL-2A上Nd:YAG激光汤姆逊散射诊断系统的主要组成部分, 以及该系统在有电子回旋共振加热(ECRH)条件下的等离子体电子绝对温度和相对密度的测量结果。
受拉丝工艺条件的限制, 双芯光纤的纤芯形状与位置常常有一定的变化,这将会对两芯之间的耦合特性产生影响。在给定相同纤芯面积的条件下,计算分析了三种双(圆、椭、卵)芯光纤的耦合长度随纤芯距离、纤芯形状之间的变化关系。在1550 nm波长下,计算发现,双圆芯光纤比双椭芯光纤在更近的纤芯距离处,其耦合长度开始呈指数增长。计算分析了双(圆、椭、卵)芯光纤的耦合长度随波长的变化关系,发现在相同的工作波长下,双圆芯光纤的耦合长度最长,双卵芯光纤的耦合长度次之,双椭圆芯光纤的耦合长度最短。