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霍兰德职业兴趣理论是高职院校中一种有效的就业指导方法,其通过对学生职业兴趣的测定,可以掌握学生的思想以及就业倾向,可以帮助学生更好的认识自我。高职院校的就业指导老师一定要做好市场调研工作,了解就业市场的需求,这也才能正确的引导学生选择职业。我国当前高职院校的学生就业形式并不乐观,学生就业理念以及职业兴趣存在偏差,这一方面是因为学校职业倾向获取的情报不够准确,另一方面是因为学生的人生观、价值观还不够成熟。将霍兰德理论应用在高职院校学生职业兴趣培养中,可以有效提高学校的就业率,可以帮助学生找到适合本专业以及符合学生职业兴趣的工作。 Hollander’s theory of occupational interest is an effective method of employment guidance in higher vocational colleges. Through measuring the students ’professional interests, Hollander’s theory of occupational interest can grasp the students’ thinking and employment tendency, and help students to better understand themselves. Employment guidance teachers in higher vocational colleges must do a good job in market research, understand the needs of the job market, which also can correctly guide students to choose a career. At present, the employment patterns of students in higher vocational colleges in our country are not optimistic. There are some deviations in the concept of employment and career interests of students. This is partly because the intelligence acquired by the school is not accurate enough. On the other hand, students’ outlook on life and values ​​are not enough mature. Applying Holland’s theory to the vocational interest training of students in higher vocational colleges can effectively improve the employment rate of the schools and help students to find jobs that are suitable for their major and students’ career interests.
详细分析了HILLE轧机液压系统故障产生的原因及设计缺陷 ,并对该设备进行了成功地改造 ,实践证明保证液压伺服系统油源在运行过程中的清洁度是该轧机连续可靠运行的关键。 T
分析了板坯结晶器在使用过程中角垫板位移的原因 ,提出了具体的解决方法 ,对结晶器制造企业和炼钢厂有一定的参考价值。 The reasons of the displacement of the corner pl
锯片是切断加工的刀具 ,由于锯片是一个面积较大的薄板 ,其厚度与直径的比非常小 ,且又是在高速旋转及高速送进的条件下工作 ,在锯切加工过程中 ,普遍存在着严重的振动问题。