Urgent need of vitamin D supplementation among Iranian elderly:a cross-sectional study

来源 :The Journal of Biomedical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuyanhua421
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Dear Editor:Fortification programs are not established for nutrients like vitamin D among other nutrients in Iran.It is reported that approximately 80%of Iranians do not meet the estimated average requirement for calcium and vitamin D~([1]).The Iranian Multicenter Osteoporosis Study(IMOS)has shown that more than 80%of Iranians have vitamin D deficiency~([2]).However,currently,there is no data on vitamin D supplementation in elderly adults in Iran.We carried out a secondary analysis of a bigger population-based cross-sectional study,which was conducted among elderly men and women in the 6~(th)district of Tehran to determine the frequency of sarcopenia~([3]). Dear Editor: Fortification programs are not established for nutrients like vitamin D among other nutrients in Iran. It is reported that approximately 80% of Iranians do not meet the estimated average requirement for calcium and vitamin D ~ ([1]). The Iranian Multicenter However, currently, there is no data on vitamin D supplementation in elderly adults in Iran. We carried out a secondary analysis of a bigger population-based cross-sectional study, which was conducted among elderly men and women in the 6 th (th) district of Tehran to determine the frequency of sarcopenia ~ ([3]).
白蚁对建筑物危害很大,寻找防治白蚁的新手段是十分必要,早就发现白蚁的追迹行为是由一种称之为追迹信息素(trail-following pheromone)的化学物质所控制的。1968年 Matsumu
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