Yang Bin Tongzhou Committee appointed as the vice Mayor of Beijing

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  On December 1, 2017, the 14th National People’s Congress standing committee meeting in Beijing decided to appointed Yang bin as the vice mayor of Beijing. He’s good political quality, strong overall concept, strictly abide by the party’s political record and political rules, consciously maintain highly consistent with Xi as the core of the CPC central committee.
  Resume shows, Yang bin, born in 1961, Shandong Changyi, economics Ph.D., senior engineer, familiar with areas such as housing, transportation, economic work. Held in Beijing the first city development company manager, Beijing subway construction co., LTD., general manager of Beijing rail transit construction management co., LTD., chairman and secretary of the party com- mittee, the Beijing municipal housing and urban and rural construction committee, party secretary, director of Beijing municipal key projects do party deputy secretary and director. In November 2014, he acted as the president of Beijing Tongzhou district party committee secretary.
  A gentleman is Yang bin to another impression on others. The Spring Festival in 2016, then the Tongzhou district party committee secretary Yang bin of hospital brand led to firm river sympathy on New Year’s eve to medical personnel. A medical staff at the scene said at the time, the secretary came in and give you happy New Year, also asked us to eat not to eat dumplings, is there any rest place can take a look at the Spring Festival gala.
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On December 1, 2017, the 14th National People’s Congress standing committee meeting in Beijing decided to appointed Yang bin as the vice mayor of Beijing. He’s good political quality, strong overall c