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本刊2005年编委会全会于5月27日至28日在昆明理工大学召开,各地区编委、编辑部及会务工作人员约40人参加了会议。27日上午举行全会开幕式,云南省高校部分实验室负责人、本刊部分云南地区通讯员列席了会议。会议由云南省高校实工委负责人、本刊副主编宋智主持,昆明理工大学罗黎辉副校长在致词中回顾了西南地区高校合作办刊的历史,对刊物的建设与发展提出了建议和希望。云南省教育厅代表谢怀昆详细介绍了云南省高校实验室建设发展的情况,希望全会开成“务实、发展、创新、团结”的会议。西南各地区高校实验室工作研究会代表相继发言,预祝全会圆满成功。本刊编委会副主任、编辑部主任陈家祥向与会代表汇报了(2004.6—2005.5)的工作和对下年度工作的建议;本刊执行主编闵大镒汇报了刊物来稿录用及有关情况。 The magazine’s 2005 Plenary Session of the Editorial Committee was held at Kunming University of Science and Technology from May 27 to May 28. About 40 editorial staff and editorial staff from all regions attended the meeting. The opening ceremony of the plenary session was held on the morning of the 27th. Heads of some laboratories of universities and colleges in Yunnan Province and some Yunnan correspondents attended the conference. The meeting was headed by Song Zhi, deputy director of the Working Committee of Yunnan University, and deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine. Vice President Luo Lihui of Kunming University of Science and Technology recalled the history of the cooperation and publication of colleges and universities in Southwest China, and put forward suggestions and hopes for the construction and development of the publications. . Xie Huai-kun, representative of Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, gave a detailed account of the construction and development of university laboratories in Yunnan Province and hoped that the plenary session would be a conference of “pragmatism, development, innovation and unity”. Representatives from the Southwest Research Laboratory for Laboratory Work of Universities and Colleges all gave speeches one after another, wishing the plenary session a complete success. Chen Jiaxiang, deputy director and editorial director of the editorial board of the journal, reported the work (2004.6-2005.5) and suggestions for the work for the next fiscal year. Min Duan, executive editor of the journal, reported the hiring of the journal and the relevant circumstances.
198 9年Gospodarowicz等首先纯化出一种具有促进内皮细胞有丝分裂和血管生长作用的蛋白质 ,命名为血管内皮生长因子 (VEGF)。其实 ,Senger早在 1 983年发现这种蛋白质 ,可使血管的通透性增高 ,认为是
全反式维甲酸(all-trans retinoic acid,ATRA)对肿瘤细胞具有广泛的抑制增殖、促进分化和逆转恶性表型的作用,并能影响某些基因的表达调控。ATRA在急性早幼粒细胞性白血病(ac
坚定的人身上总有一股力量,B.i.Z 也是。专辑的成功,给他们带来了自信,可是他们知道未来的路还遥远。全国的宣传,Fans 的热情和贴心,让他们的每一站留下感动。但是,有的、没