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1岁被诊断为脑瘫,8岁获数学奥林匹克奖,18岁考入哈工大,后成为基础数学博士研究生。有人说他是天才。他就是用残疾的双手和聪颖的大脑书写别样人生的杨占文……数学王国里的脑瘫博士生。不论春夏秋冬、不论风霜雨雪,几乎每个清晨,在哈尔滨工业大学的老校区里,人们都能看到 1 year old was diagnosed as cerebral palsy, 8 years old by the Mathematical Olympiad, 18 years old admitted to Harbin Institute of Technology, after becoming the basic mathematics doctoral students. Some people say he is a genius. He is writing a different kind of life with his hand and his brilliant brain Yang Zhanwen ... Ph.D. student of Cerebral Palsy in the Kingdom of Mathematics. Regardless of seasons, regardless of the weather, almost every morning, in the old campus of Harbin Institute of Technology, people can see