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在毛主席无产阶级教育路线指引下,狠批了过去科学研究严重地三脱离的修正主义路线,在这次毕业实践中,我们坚持为无产阶级政治服务,为社会主义建设服务的方向,理论和实践相结合,氟哌啶的试制就是走出校门,经过调查研究,为医疗单位所推荐,为工农兵所急需的一个科研课题。 在试制过程中,我们以批林整风为纲,批判了唯心论的先验论,自觉地坚持了唯物论的认识论,坚持通过实践、认识、再实践、再认识的过程,解决了一个又一个的矛盾。在总路 Guided by Chairman Mao’s proletarian education line, we severely criticized the revisionist line that severely divorced science from the past. In this graduation practice, we insisted on serving the proletarian politics and serving the socialist construction in the direction and theory of Combination of practice, trial of haloperidin is out of school, after investigation and study, recommended by medical units, for the workers, peasants and soldiers urgently needed a research project. In the process of trial production, we took the criticism of the a priori theory of idealism as the key link of criticizing the rectification of forests in order to consciously persist in the epistemology of materialism and persisted in the process of resolving contradictions one by one through practice, understanding, re-practice and re-cognition . In the main road
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High mycoplasmal infection ratio in gastric cancer tissues suggests a possible association between my-coplasma infection and tumorigenesis. Because TNF-a plays
一、细胞色素C(Cytochrome C)细胞色素C是细胞色素体系中的一个成份。细胞色素体系是机体生物氧化中极重要的电子传递体系。它们是一类不耐热的含铁结合蛋白质,其辅基是铁卟
我国每年约有8 000万农民从农村流向城市[1]。流动人员中多数文化程度不高、居住地分散且不固定、不易集中、多为青壮年、已婚者多夫妻两地分居。加强对这些人员预防艾滋病的