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古今中外,历朝历代,大到一个国家,小到一切组织,人才的选择都是一件非常重要的事情,也是所有企业发展必须经历的一个过程。每个企业都想选好人,但实际操作过程又很艰难,无章可循,无据可依,使选人问题成了许多组织的一大困扰,也是管理者的一个心头大患。在很多实事中,由于选人不当给国家及其组织带来不可弥补损失的例子不胜枚举。目前,在社会主义特色的建设中,各个企业要想在竞争中长盛不衰,人才选择恰当与否严重影响 At all times and in all countries, the dynasties dynasties, as large as a country, small to all organizations, the choice of personnel is a very important thing, but also all the business development must go through a process. Every enterprise wants to choose a good person. However, the actual operation is very difficult. There is no rules to follow and no evidence to follow. The problem of election has become a major disturbance for many organizations and a big headache for managers. In many practical cases, there are numerous examples of irreparable losses to the country and its organizations due to improper electors. At present, in the construction of socialist characteristics, all enterprises want to be prosperous in the competition, the appropriate choice of personnel or seriously affected
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采用固相反应法制备添加Ta2O5的NiCuZn铁氧体,研究了不同Ta2O5含量对NiCuZn铁氧体显微结构,静磁性能和高频损耗的影响。结果表明: Ta2O5具有细化 NiCuZn 铁氧体晶粒的作用,可