Characteristics of Fault Activity in the Taiyangshan Uplift Area in Hunan,China

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fantasy2204
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Lying on the west edge of Dongting Lake,the Taiyangshan area in Hunan Province is part of a hilly region which has uplifted since the Late Cenozoic.According to field investigation of the six existing faults in the Taiyangshan area,we found that four of them are not active in the Quaternary,and that the Gangshi-Hefu fault is likely to have been active in the early Mid-Pleistocene.The geological evidence derived suggests that the Xiaowupu fault was active from the late Mid-Pleistocene to the early late-Pleistocene.It cut the stratum with a TL age of 123±10ka BP and has the property of thrusting.The research results are of great significance for understanding the seismogenic structure of the Changde earthquake with M6 3/4 in 1631. Lying on the west edge of Dongting Lake, the Taiyangshan area in Hunan Province is part of a hilly region which has uplifted since the Late Cenozoic. Accord to field investigation of the six existing faults in the Taiyangshan area, we found that four of them are not active in the Quaternary, and that the Gangshi-Hefu fault is likely to have been active in the early Mid-Pleistocene. the geological evidence derived suggests that the Xiaowupu fault was active from the late Mid-Pleistocene to the early late-Pleistocene. It cut the stratum with a TL age of 123 ± 10 ka BP and has the the property of thrusting. The research results are of great significance for understanding the seismogenic structure of the Changde earthquake with M6 3/4 in 1631.
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