
来源 :黑龙江水利科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zkx713583
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我国已加入WTO ,各行各业都要进行自身的改革以适应其游戏规则。水利水电工程也不例外 ,这就要求造价专业必须加强与国外相关行业的沟通与联系 ,向国际惯例靠拢。其最终建立的工程造价管理体系力求符合中国的实际 China has joined the WTO, all walks of life must carry out their own reforms to adapt to their rules of the game. Water conservancy and hydropower projects are no exception, which requires the cost of professional must strengthen the communication and contact with foreign related industries, closer to international practice. The final project cost management system established in line with China’s reality
富密灌区渠首斜拉桥工程经长达 10年的运行 ,经测试 ,已存在诸多需要解决的问题。文章阐述了换索工程技术及今后应采取的技术措施。 After more than 10 years’ operation,
在现场综合查勘和地形图套绘比较的基础上 ,分析了黑龙江干流因冲刷坍岸造成国土流失的严重性及其成因 On the basis of comprehensive survey and topographical map compa
Cystic adventitial disease (CAD) is a rare condition characterized by cystic lesions of the non-axial blood vessels adjacent to joints;1 the majority of cysts a
文章展示了黑龙江省灌区渠首工程改造取得的成就 ,指出存在的主要问题 ,提出了改造措施和建议 The article shows the achievements made in the headworks reconstruction
大庆是属于严重缺水型城市之一。城市雨水资源如何利用是大庆市水资源开发利用所要考虑的重要内容。通过对大庆市区降水资料及万宝三小区主要用地指标的分析 ,研究雨水通过集