Improved method of plasma 8-Isoprostane measurement and association analyses with habitual drinking

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cashcumt
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AIM: To develop a simple and accurate method for quantifying 8-isoprostane in plasma by employing a combination of two-step solid-phase extraction of samples and a commercially available ELISA kit, and by this method to examine the effects of drinking and smoking habits against the levels of plasma 8-isoprostane in healthy Japanese volunteers.METHODS: Plasma 8-isoprostane was extracted with ODS gel suspension followed by NH2 Sep-Pak column.The 8-isoprostane fractions were assayed using a commercially available ELISA kit. We measured plasma 8-isoprostane levels in 157 healthy Japanese volunteers divided into three groups (64 non-habitual drinkers, 56moderate drinkers and 37 habitual drinkers) according to their alcohol consumption per week. Genotypes of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) were also determined to investigate the plasma 8-isoprostane levels with reference to drinking habits. In addition, the plasma 8-isoprostane levels of 96 non-smokers and 61 smokers from the same subjects were compared.RESULTS: Our method fulfilled all the requirements for use in routine clinical assays with respect to sensitivity,intra- and inter-assay reproducibility, accuracy and dynamic assay range. Significant increases of plasma 8-isoprostane levels were observed in female habitual drinkers when compared with those of non-habitual drinkers (t = 5.494, P < 0.0001) as well as moderate drinkers (t = 3.542, P < 0.005), and 8-isoprostane levels were also significantly different between ALDH2*2/1 and ALDH2*1/1 in the female habitual drinkers (t = 6.930, P < 0.0001), suggesting that excessive drinking of alcohol may increase oxidization stress, especially in females.On the contrary, no significant difference of the plasma 8-isoprostane levels.was observed between non-smokers and smokers.CONCLUSION: Our present method was proved to be a simple and accurate tool for measuring plasma 8-isoprostane. However, the clinical utility of plasma 8-isoprostane for drinking and smoking habits was limited since elevated 8-isoprostane levels were observed in female heavy drinkers, and no association was found between smokers and nonsmokers.
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患者女,54岁.因半月前无明显诱因出现中上腹间歇性胀痛,并皮肤巩膜黄染入院.体检:除皮肤、巩膜黄染外,无其他体征.实验室检查:血淀粉酶96 U/L,Tbil 12.7 moL/L,Dbil 5.5 moL/L,ALT 12 U/L,AKP 115 U/L;CEA、CA19-9正常,球蛋白21.5%;IgG 19.8 g/L,IgE 263 IU/ml;抗核抗体均质弱阳性,抗88-DNA 9.6 I
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目的 探讨急诊早期血液净化治疗急性药物、毒物重度中毒的方法及应用时机.方法 回顾性分析2010年6月至2012年6月收治的78例急性药物、毒物重度中毒患者的临床资料,包括Glasgow评分、住院天数、机械通气使用率、痊愈率、病死率及血液净化治疗的不良反应等.结果 患者初诊时Glasgow评分为(5.5±2.0)分,使用血液净化的时间为初诊后(2.1±0.7)h,使用血液净化次数(2.6±0.7)次