
来源 :农林科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aerostock
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有些棉农特已喷过乙烯利的棉花留种,这种做法是有害无益的。我们知道,有些迟发或恋青的棉田,部分棉桃在霜前不能正常吐絮,为促其早熟,可喷乙烯利,使棉花尽早落叶成熟。但由于缩短了棉花铃期,因而部分棉桃胚往往发育不健全,种皮变黑,种壳变硬,使未成熟的棉桃过早停止发育和 It is detrimental to cotton growers that some farmers already sprayed with ethephon. We know that some late-blooming or green-spirited cotton fields, some bolls can not be properly swallowed before frost, to promote its premature, can spray ethephon, so that the cotton mature leaves as soon as possible. However, due to the shortening of the cotton boll period, some of the peach embryos often do not develop well, the seed coat is black, the shell is hardened, premature termination of immature bolls development and
Recently, Friedmann Angeli et al.[1] reported that the loss of ferroptosis regulation enzyme glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4) will cause an overwhelming ferropto