
来源 :毛泽东邓小平理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyqkk
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新中国成立后,经过短暂的新民主主义过渡,社会主义的政治、经济基本制度完成奠基,同时以马克思主义为指导的社会主义意识形态也基本完成奠基,社会主义基本道德价值观得以确立。社会主义基本政治制度、经济制度和意识形态的确立,为社会主义核心价值体系建设奠定了长远的基础。1957年之后,社会主义意识形态在曲折中越来越走向“左”倾,最终导致社会主义价值观在“文革”期间的极度扭曲。在全面建设社会主义的10年探索期间,孕育了雷锋精神、红旗渠精神等民族精神和时代精神的典范。改革开放以来,社会主义意识形态建设不断进行新的探索,以适应变化了的政治、经济和思想文化形势,社会主义核心价值体系建设的自觉性不断提高,其内涵不断丰富和发展。为使社会主义核心价值体系在全社会范围内巩固起来,必须深刻认识任务的长期性与紧迫性,做到常抓不懈、长期坚持、持续推进。 After the founding of New China, the foundation of the foundation was completed through a brief transition to new democracy and the basic political and economic system of socialism. At the same time, the socialist ideology guided by Marxism basically laid the foundation stone and the basic socialist moral values ​​were established. The establishment of the basic socialist political system, economic system and ideology has laid a long-term foundation for the construction of the socialist core value system. After 1957, the socialist ideology was increasingly bent toward “Leftist” in the twists and turns, leading ultimately to the extremely distorted socialist values ​​during the “Cultural Revolution.” During the 10-year exploration period of building socialism in an all-round way, it has given birth to the example of the national spirit and the spirit of the times in the spirit of Lei Feng and the spirit of Hongqi canal. Since the adoption of the policy of reform and opening up, the socialist ideology has constantly been exploring new ways to adapt to changing political, economic and ideological and cultural situations. The awareness of building a socialist core value system has been constantly enhanced and its connotation has been continuously enriched and developed. In order to consolidate the socialist core value system in the whole society, it is necessary to profoundly understand the long-term and urgent task of the task, so that we can always persevere, persevere in the long-term, and continue to push forward.
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性能优异出口多国 20世纪30年代是坦克发展的重要时期。当时,世界坦克的发展潮流是:以轻型坦克为主,特征是37毫米短身管火炮,单炮塔,可360度旋转,履带结构,汽油发动机。以法国