A Review of the Discrete Facility Location Problem

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ab888
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In this paper we attempt to classify discrete facility location problems in the right perspective and propose discrete facility location problems that include: median problems, covering problems, center problems, multi-commodities problems and dynamic problems on the basis of former research by other scholars. We consider vehicle routing location problems, inventory-location problems and hub problems as a recent research field of discrete facility location problems according to literature from the last 10 years. In this paper we attempt to classify discrete facility location problems in the right perspective and propose discrete facility location problems that include: median problems, covering problems, center problems, multi-commodities problems and dynamic problems on the basis of the former research by other scholars. We consider vehicle routing location problems, inventory-location problems and hub problems as a recent research field of discrete facility location problems according to literature from the last 10 years.
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