No Strings Attached

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  China’s aid and support to the Philippines have no strings attached, remarked Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang at a routine news briefing on March 9 when asked about media reports that alleged conditions were attached to China’s loans to the Philippines.
  “China never has and never will ask relevant countries to put up natural resources as security for a loan,” Geng insisted. “China’s aid and support to the Philippines have no strings attached.”
  According to the spokesperson, China strongly supports Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s “Build, Build, Build” infrastructure campaign and has provided financing support.
  Properly handling the South China Sea issue is still the basis and an important guarantee for the healthy and smooth development of China-Philippines relations, said Geng. However, China will isolate this issue from bilateral economic and trade cooperation projects.
  “China is willing to work with the Philippines to implement the consensus reached between high-level leaderships of the two countries and properly handle disputes through dialogue and negotiations,” Geng added.
摘 要:设计舞台灯光的关键点是色与光,是不是科学地应用色彩,这从某种意义上会深刻影响到舞台的整体画面感。为此,务必高度关注舞台灯光设计中的色彩应用问题,确保更加合理与科学地应用色彩。本文分析了舞台灯光设计中应用色彩的对策,以及舞台灯光设计中应用色彩的辅助措施。  关键词:舞台;灯光;色彩;应用  设计和搭配舞台的灯光色彩跟戏剧表演的效果存在密切的关系,会影响到主题内容跟剧情,因而属于舞台影响力的必
After graduating from college inChina, Zhuo Ming packed his bagsto head overseas. After earninga bachelor’s degree from BeijingForeign Studies University in 20
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Coined by economistsas “dragon” and “tiger”economies in late 20th Century,Southeast Asian countries likeSingapore, Malaysia, Thailand,the Philippines, Indon