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正当全省人民欢度“五一”黄金周之际,中共中央政治局委员、省委书记张德江,省委副书记、省长黄华华与专程前来广东考察的国家交通部部长张春贤一起,乘船沿西江顺流而下踏察黄金水道,共商发展广东内河航运大计。拟定由广东省和交通部共同投资25亿元,用5年至8年时间,打通西江主干航线,打造珠三角航道网,为广东全面建设小康社会、率先基本实现社会主义现代化提供坚实的交通保障,为促进广东区域协调发展和泛珠三角区域合作创造更好的条件。 At a time when the people of the whole province were celebrating the “May Day” Golden Week, Zhang Dejiang, member of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau and secretary of the provincial party committee, Huang Huahua, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor of the province, together with Zhang Chunxian, Minister of National Transportation who made a special trip to Guangdong, Ship along the Xijiang down the river to observe the golden waterway, to discuss the development of Guangdong inland shipping plan. It is proposed that Guangdong Province and the Ministry of Communications jointly invest 2.5 billion yuan for five to eight years to get through the main routes of the Xijiang River and create a network of the Pearl River Delta waterway so as to provide a solid traffic guarantee for the construction of an overall well-to-do society in Guangdong and the first basic realization of socialist modernization , So as to create better conditions for promoting the coordinated development of Guangdong and the Pan-PRD regional cooperation.
卵巢环状小管性索瘤(sex cord tumor with annular tubules,SCTAT)是一种罕见的、具有分泌功能的卵巢性索肿瘤,临床病例较少,故缺乏系统性研究。本文报道1例腹膜后及盆腔腹膜