Repetition rate tunable ultra-short optical pulse generation based on electrical pattern generator

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djjsl
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An actively mode-locked laser with tunable repetition rate is proposed and experimentally demonstrated based on a programmable electrical pattern generator.By changing the repetition rate of the electrical patterns applied on the in-cavity modulator,the repetition rate of the output optical pulse sequences changes accordingly while the pulse width of the optical pulse train remains almost constant.In other words,the output ultra-short pulse train has a tunable duty cycle.In a proof-of-principle experiment,optical pulses with repetition rates of 10,5,2.5 and 1.25 GHz are obtained by adjusting the electrical pattern applied on the in-cavity modulator while their pulse widths remain almost unchanged. An actively mode-locked laser with tunable repetition rate is proposed and experimentally based demonstrated on a programmable electrical pattern generator. By changing the repetition rate of the electrical patterns applied on the in-cavity modulator, the repetition rate of the output optical pulse sequences changes while while the pulse width of the optical pulse train remains almost constant. other words, the output ultra-short pulse train has a tunable duty cycle. a proof-of-principle experiment, optical pulses with repetition rates of 10,5, 2.5 and 1.25 GHz are obtained by adjusting the electrical pattern applied on the in-cavity modulator while their pulse widths remain almost unchanged.
2010年9月2日,笔者途经上海徐家汇附近广元路与天平路口一片新近拆迁的街区,无意中发现墙上突然多了一行字,好像是告诉人们原先在这里的一家店搬到了向东50米的地方。 On Se