Little Girl Surprised Her Favorite Garbage Man With Birthday Cake

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  Garbage men are used to collecting stuff. It is, after all, what they do. But one garbage man in Bloomington, Illinois, recently collected something unexpected: a birthday cupcake from his biggest fan, 3-year-old Brooklyn Andracke.
  “Every... Thursday, my heart is full when I see the joy that our amazing garbage man brings Brooklyn when he honks and waves at her with a BIG smile,” wrote Brooklyn’s mom on the City of Bloomington Facebook page. “And today...Brooklyn and I wrapped up one of her birthday cupcakes and waited for him. When he came down our street, she ran to the corner. He pulled over, got out and gave us his BIG smile. Brooklyn was speechless as she handed him the cupcake. I explained to him that he makes our day every Thursday, and we really like the honking very much and waving, and how special of a day it is for us.”
  “My heart is full when I see the joy that our amazing garbage man brings Brooklyn,” wrote Brooklyn’s mom.
  Brooklyn is his biggest fan. She waits for him every Thursday!
  Recently it was her birthday and she wanted to give him one of her cupcakes.
  “I explained to him that he makes our day every Thursday,” wrote Brooklyn’s mom.
  honk v. 按汽车喇叭
  amazing adj. 令人惊异的
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