
来源 :中国书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimislg
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中日建交的第二年,即一九七三年,在日本东京举行的中国社会主义经济建设成就展览会的艺术馆里,展出了安徽两幅作品。一幅是书坛宿将葛介屏先生所写,另一幅则为中年书法家方绍武所书。方氏被选中的字幅是小楷,书体俊丽疏朗,严谨之中有变化.记者评曰:“此幅乃化篆人楷,通篇神完气足。” 这位当时初露头角的书法家,其实已经有三十年写字的历史了。一九三五年,方绍武出生在祁门县一个书香之家,祖父是清末秀才,写得一手好字。他自幼便在祖父指导下,开始了严格的习字训练:描红、临帖;及长,则面壁悬腕,苦练基本功。一九五一年参加工作时,已在祁门县享有书名了。由于潜心书画,酷爱美术,一九五六年,他考入了安徽艺术学校美术专业,接着又以优异成绩被选送中央工艺美术学院深造,曾先后得到书法前辈 The second year of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, that is, in 1973, two galleries in Anhui were exhibited in the art museum of the Exhibition on the Achievements of China’s Socialist Economic Construction held in Tokyo, Japan. One is written by Mr. Ge Jieping, a book magician. The other is written by Fang Shaoshu, a middle-aged calligrapher. Fang’s selected character is a small print, Chunlilizhongshu book, there are changes in the rigorous.Reporter comments: “This is Huaizhuanrenkai, throughout the God is full of Qi. ” The budding Calligrapher, in fact, has thirty years of writing history. In 1935, Fang Shaowu was born in Qimen County, a scholarly home, his grandfather was a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty, wrote a good handwriting. Since his childhood he started under the guidance of his grandfather, began a strict copybook training: Tracing the red, temporary post; and long, the surface of the hanging wrist, hard basic skills. When he joined the work in 1951, he had already enjoyed his title in Qimen County. As painstaking painting and calligraphy, love art, in 1956, he was admitted to the art school in Anhui Fine Arts, and then with excellent results was sent to the Central Academy of Arts and Design, who has been calligraphy predecessors
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本文分析1977~1986年风湿性心脏病心衰住院患者的临床资料,其发生率居各类心脏病首位,患者年龄有明显增高的趋势,并对房颤、房扑合并Ⅱ度房室阻滞的问题,作了简单讨论。 This