I Want To Be A Writer

来源 :阅读(快乐英语高年级) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:along_1979
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  My childhood is colorful because there are a lot of stories in it.
  Before I was five years old, my grandma told me stories in the bed. I enjoyed it at that time. Now I can read stories by myself. Books make me relax after studying. They also make me happy when I am sad. I like not only reading stories but also writing stories. I want to be a writer in the future, especially writing stories for children.
  No cross, no crown(不經历困难,就没有成功). To be a good writer, I will study hard and read more books. I will travel around the world to experience different kinds of life. Most of all, I can make friends with more children.
Put on a smile,  You’ll live through your pain.  Know tomorrow will come,  And strength you will gain.  露出你的微笑,  勇敢接受錘炼。  美好的明天即将来临,  你会重获力量。
打败了大狮子的蚊子,却成了小蜘蛛的俘虏,原因何在呢?蚊子因为暂时的胜利,丧失了清醒的头脑,以致自投罗网。如果胜利后的蚊子能认清自己的短处,小心谨慎,就能避免“被蜘蛛网粘住”的悲剧。在生活中,同学们也要时刻提醒自己,不骄傲,不懈怠。让我们一起欣赏来自江苏省如东县丰利镇丰利小学的同学们带来的精彩表演吧!  (It is a hot day. A lion is sleeping under a tre
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