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目的为探讨移植胎胰的适宜方法、适当的重量及其胰岛功能状况。方法解剖观测3-10月龄胎胰各30例。用免疫组化胰岛素显色光镜观测胎胰岛形态。电镜观察胎胰岛各细胞结构和分泌状况。移植0.8-2g带血管胎胰于大网膜治疗1型糖尿病10例。于肝门静脉系以外,腹肌表面移植0.5-2g胎胰碎块治疗2型糖尿病15例观测不同重量胎胰的疗效。结果胎胰重为其体重的0.08%。切取时宜按胎胰在腹后壁投影线进行。胎胰岛各细胞功能在3月龄已接近正常成人。移植2g胎胰于肝门静脉系内治疗1型糖尿病或于肝门静脉系以外腹肌表面治疗2型糖尿病疗效均佳。血型相同并同时移植胎胸腺可延长疗效时间。结论胎胰3月龄内分泌功能已较完善;6月龄以上可按胎体重的0.08%计算胎胰重量。移植约2g胎胰于大网膜内治疗1型糖尿病或植于腹肌表面治疗2型糖尿病疗效佳。 Objective To explore the appropriate method of transplanted fetal pancreas, appropriate weight and islet status. Methods Anatomical observation of 30 cases of fetal pancreas in 3 to 10 months old. The morphology of fetal islets was observed with immunohistochemical insulin colorimetric microscope. Electron microscopy observation of fetal pancreatic islet cell structure and secretion. Transplantation of 0.8-2g vascular fetal pancreas in the omentum in the treatment of type 1 diabetes in 10 cases. In addition to the hepatic portal vein, 0.5-2g fetal pancreatic fragments were transplanted on the surface of abdominal muscles to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus (15 cases). The results of fetal pancreatic weight of 0.08% of its weight. Cut when appropriate according to the fetal pancreas in the posterior abdominal projection line. Fetal islets of each cell function at 3 months of age has been close to normal adults. Transplantation of 2g of fetal pancreas in the hepatic portal vein to treat type 1 diabetes or to treat type 2 diabetes outside the hepatic portal vein is best. The same blood type and transplanted fetal thymus can extend the treatment time. Conclusions The endocrine function of fetal pancreas at 3 months of age has been improved. The weight of fetal pancreas can be calculated at 0.08% of body weight over 6 months. Transplantation of about 2g fetal pancreatic omentum in the treatment of type 1 diabetes or implanted in the abdominal surface treatment of type 2 diabetes with good effect.
《To Hebe》田馥甄发行日期:2010-9-6零零发:认识任家萱吗?知道陈嘉桦是谁吗?那田馥甄呢?恐怕知道S.H.E真名的人是少之又少的。号称流行乐坛的偶像少女组合无冕之后的S.H.E终
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一、前言 六六六不但是一种强有力的胃毒兼接触剂,并且具有相当的熏蒸作用,过去从事研究六六六熏蒸作用的为人不多,Srivastava和Wilson(1947)曾用德国蟑螂,东方天幕毛虫和五
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