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<正> Ⅰ. INTRODUCTIONThe massiess Yang-Mills field differs from its Abelian counterpart in supporting static, finite energy solutions. This occurs in, and only in, 5 space-time dimensions[1,2] where these solutions correspond to the existence of insta
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<正> Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION A variety of rhodium(Ⅰ) carbonyls with nitrogen-donor ligands have been reported, most of them have cis-dicarbonyl square-planar configur
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<正> The statistical significance of positive result observed in searching discrete gamma-ray source or gamma-ray line has so far been overestimated in many rep
<正> Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION In a previous paper, we made a statistical analysis of the redshifts z and apparent magnitudes mv of 946 QSOs. The main points are: dividi
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<正> Let P(t)=(pij(t))(t≥0) be a set of real-valued functions on a countable set E. P(t) is called a Markov process if