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这几年,高考作文越来越多点出现材料作文。不同于命题作文,材料作文的出题者给出一段或多段材料,也有可能是一幅图画,学生从这些材料出发,或感悟,或思考,并在此基础上立意写作。学生自由发挥度高,不再局限于传统应试教育的命题作文,给学生一定的空间。材料作文要求学生能站在自己角度出发,对给出的材料进行分析思考。材料作文的审题很重要,明确了材料所包含的内容,选择一个好的角度进行创作,首先从题目,在接着是文章的布局,还有文章所要表达的含义,都需要学生能够很好的审题立意。 In recent years, college entrance essay more and more points appear material composition. Different from the proposition composition, the author of the composition of the material gives one or more pieces of material, and may also be a picture from which the students start out, comprehend, or think, and deliberately write on the basis. Students have a high degree of freedom to play, no longer confined to the traditional examination-oriented essay writing, to give students a certain amount of space. Materials composition requirements Students can stand on their own point of view, given the analysis of the material thinking. Material essay exam is very important, the content of the material is clear, choose a good angle to create, first from the title, followed by the layout of the article, as well as the meaning of the article to be expressed, require students to be very good exam conception.
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采用Material Studio分子模拟分析软件,对两种粘弹性阻尼材料A和B静压力条件下的自由体积参数进行预测。预测结果显示,两种材料均随着静压力的提升出现自由体积参数的下降,但
8月中旬,秋老虎在掀起新一轮热浪。正被里约奥运“吸睛”的观众,被“宝宝离婚案”刷了个满屏,几乎是在瞬间完成了屏幕的切换。  这让我想起,去年10月,屠呦呦获诺贝尔奖所带来的全国轰动,转眼间就被“黄晓明大婚”给“切了屏”。  似乎是,全体奥运明星的“风头”抵不过一个娱乐明星的;获诺贝尔奖的科学家的“分量”,远没有“大婚”的娱乐明星的重。  何以如此?原因当然有很多。但究其根本,则是在一个“看客”时代
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将 336例患儿随机分为两组 ,其中治疗组 1 80例用干扰素与思密达进行治疗 ,同时与对照组 1 5 6例用氨苄青霉素 ,病毒唑静点对比 ,结果 :治疗组 1 80例中显效 1 5 0例 ,有效 2
急性呼吸窘迫综合征 (ARDS)是一种以急性呼吸窘迫、持续性低氧血症和肺水肿为特征的、病死率很高的临床综合征。文献报道成人发病率为 3~ 14 / 10 0 0 0 0 [1] ,小儿尚未见报道。
The fluorescence spectra of Quin 2, (2-[(2-bis-[carboxymethyl] amino-5-methylphenoxy) methyl]-6-methoxy-8-bis [carboxymethyl] aminoquiniline), a Ca2+ probe, wer