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文献情报加工的标准化是文献信息质量的保证和开发文献情报工作的基础。十几年来,我院文献编目化工作走过了一个从无序到有序,从各自为政到标准化、统一化的过程。我院图书馆系统组织建设上先天不足的状况造成了后天全院图书馆业务的混乱和无序,在文献的分类、著录、目录等各个方面不标准、不规范、不统一。例如,1984年全院33个图书馆(室)使用的图书分类法竟达到9个。有的图书馆甚至不顾国内早已有国家推荐使用的分类法这一事实,还在自编分类法供自家使用。同类书区别号的使用更是五花八门。中国社会科学院图书馆系统从80年代中期开始,通过不断宣传、培训和研讨,逐渐认识到了实行文献的标准化著录对于做好图书馆工作,并在全院范围内最终实现图书馆自动化网络的重要意义。从1984年下旬开始,在全院范围内首 The standardization of document information processing is the guarantee of the quality of documentary information and the foundation of the development of documentary intelligence. More than a decade, our hospital literature cataloging has gone through a process from disorder to order, from their own political to standardized and unified process. The inadequate status of library system organization in our hospital caused confusion and disorder in the library services of the hospital acquired the day after tomorrow. It is not standard, normative and non-uniform in all aspects such as classification, description and catalog of the documents. For example, in 1984, 33 libraries (rooms) used nine book classification methods. Some libraries even ignore the fact that the taxonomy of countries that is already in use in the country is already in place and are still making their own classification for their own use. The use of similar books alias is more varied. Since the mid-1980s, the library system of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has come to realize the standardization of the implementation of the document through continuous publicity, training and seminars. It is of great significance for the library work to be completed and the ultimate realization of the library automation network within the entire hospital . Beginning in late 1984, the first in the hospital
作者遇到1例因垂体前叶腺瘤误诊为缺铁性贫血的患者,现报道如下: 患者男,19岁,学生,因头晕、乏力、面黄、消瘦,进行性加重2年余,于1989年3月18日入院。患者2年来,纳差,乏力,
介绍了一起调速器检修中国清洁度差而造成机车在线路运行时,正常回手柄即停机,继而无法起机的典型故障。它从一个侧面向人们说明在机车新造或大修中,零部件清洁度的重要性。 A