
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liwj
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H. pylori infection of the stomach is widespread among human populations including Iranians and is considered to play a major role in the pathogenesis of gastric diseases such as peptic ulcer, adenocarcinoma, and MALT lymphoma. The association between H. pylori virulence markers and disease has been studied in other populations around the world. The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of H. pylori vacA and cagA genotypes and their association with clinical outcomes in Iran. H. pylori was cultured from gastric biopsy specimens obtained from 137 Iranian patients (58 with duodenal ulcer, 61 with nonulcer dyspeptic [NUD], and 18 with gastric adenocarcinoma). The vacA alleles and cagA genotypes were determined by PCR. The vacA sl allele was present in 107 of the 137 subjects (78%). Multiple strains (m1 and m2) were detected in H. pylori isolates from the patients. VacA s1 genotypes were more frequent in patients with peptic ulcer (46/58; 79%) than in NUD patients (47/61; 77%). CagA was present in 44%of the patients. NUD patients had a frequency of cagA positivity similar to that of the overall population (46%). CagA was present more frequently more than cagA-negative (20%vs. 8%, respectively) in patients with gastric carcinoma (20%) than cagA-negative in patients with gastric carcinoma (8%). This is the first comprehensive study to demonstrate the frequency of colonization with mixed strain, vacA s1, m1 and m2 as the dominant genotype in these Iranian patients, where a high rate of H. pylori infection exists and is similar to the region with a low rate of H. pylori infection. Therefore, host genetics, environmental factors, and the substantial genetic heterogeneity among different H. pylori strains may contribute to the different clinical outcomes. H. pylori infection of the stomach is widespread among human populations including Iranians and is considered to play a major role in the pathogenesis of gastric diseases such as peptic ulcer, adenocarcinoma, and MALT lymphoma. The association between H. pylori virulence markers and disease has been studied in other populations around the world. The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of H. pylori vacA and cagA genotypes and their association with clinical outcomes in Iran. H. pylori was cultured from gastric biopsy specimens obtained from 137 Iranian patients (58 with duodenal ulcer, 61 with nonulcer dyspeptic [NUD], and 18 with gastric adenocarcinoma). The vacA alleles and cagA genotypes were determined by PCR. The vacA sl allele was present in 107 of the 137 subjects (78%). Multiple (m1 and m2) were detected in H. pylori isolates from the patients. VacA s1 genotypes were more frequent in patients with peptic ulcer (46/58; 79%) than in NUD patients (47/61; 7 7%). CagA was present in 44% of the patients. NUD patients had a frequency of cagA positivity similar to that of the overall population (46%). CagA was present more frequently more than cagA-negative (20% vs. 8 %, respectively) in patients with gastric carcinoma (20%) than cagA-negative in patients with gastric carcinoma (8%). This is the first comprehensive study to demonstrate the frequency of colonization with mixed strain, vacA s1, m1 and m2 as the dominant genotype in these Iranian patients, where a high rate of H. pylori infection exists and is similar to the region with a low rate of H. pylori infection. Thus, host genetics, environmental factors, and the substantial genetic heterogeneity among different H pylori may may contribute to the different clinical outcomes.
摘要:高校应当在少数民族新生工作中加快精细化进程,合理把握不同生源类型少数民族新生的特点,因类施助。在纵向上,做好学校教育与家庭、社会培养的衔接。在横向上,扩展学生工作各方面职责,帮助少数民族新生渡过大学适应期。  关键词:高校;少数民族;学生工作;精细化  作者简介:魏建翔(1985-),男,福建福州人,福建师范大学外国语学院,助教。(福建 福州 350108)  中图分类号:G645?????
《宋人传记资料索引》是研究宋史的重要工具书。但偶有疏误不当之处,本文对此作了订正。 “Song Biography Data Index” is an important tool for the study of Song hist