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美国福特汽车公司从1903年创办以来,产品经常换代,推销展示的手法也不断翻新。为了让新车一推出就引起轰动,他们绞尽脑汁,别出心裁,每次展示都富有新意。 给人“美悦感” 福特公司每年都在拉斯维加斯举行新车展示会。他们用佳肴美酒招待经销商,还有许多丰富的节目。像让汽车从喷泉中升起,让美女从车里走出来,再配上烟雾和灯光效果,使人赏心悦目,其热烈气氛简直可以和百老汇媲美。美好的情景,自然给经销商留下美 Since the United States Ford Motor Company was founded in 1903, its products have been replaced by new ones, and the methods of marketing and display have also been constantly refurbished. In order to make the new car a sensation as soon as it was launched, they racked their brains and made them creative. Every show was full of new ideas. Gives people a “beauty feeling” Ford Motor Company holds a new car show in Las Vegas every year. They serve the dealers with good food and wine, and there are many rich programs. For example, let the car rise from the fountain and let the beautiful woman get out of the car with smoke and lighting effects. It is pleasing to the eye and its warm atmosphere is just like Broadway. Beautiful scenes, naturally leaving the dealers with beauty
I have many friends.My best friend is Helen Brown.She is from England.She speaks English and Chinese.She is active and smart.Now she is sitting next to me in th
“我的中国符号”城际选拔赛最后3站,走进了西部大开发的三大重镇:西安、成都与重庆。西安活动中“尼康”的资料袋竟然成了全场的抢手货。一些因来晚而没索取到的影友 “My
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“封杀”王老吉!是草根起义?是事件营销?面对王老吉品牌美誉度的飙升,事件背后的行为逻辑委实值得我们回味! “Block ” Wong Lo Kat! Is the grass-roots uprising? Is th