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目的:基于知识可视化分析,探讨2010至2020年ICU谵妄领域研究进展。方法:收集2010至2020年科学网核心数据库(WOS)及中国知网(CNKI)收录的ICU谵妄相关国内外论著和综述,对文章基本信息进行计量学分析。使用Excel 2019软件对年发文量进行数据分析;使用VOSviewer 1.6.15软件进行国家、机构和作者信息提取,并绘制相关合作网络,以探究该领域主要研究力量分布及合作关系;使用CiteSpace 5.0.R1软件对高频关键词和突增关键词进行分析,并绘制共被引文献网络,以反映ICU谵妄领域近10年来研究基础演化过程,以及该领域前沿热点信息。结果:共收集2010至2020年中文期刊ICU谵妄研究领域论文1 102篇以及英文“Article”和“Review”2 422篇,显示文献发表量均呈逐年上升趋势;在文献质量方面,大多数文章影响因子集中在2~3,影响因子在5及以上的文章占27.9%(337/1 209)。通过可视化分析得出,美国在ICU谵妄研究领域发文量最多(1 152篇)且在国际上交流密切,英格兰和加拿大分列第二位和第三位,分别为220篇及204篇;而从发文机构上看,美国范德堡大学医学院不但在发文量上遥遥领先(149篇),且该领域排名前3位的高影响力作者都来自该机构。目前我国在ICU谵妄研究领域发文量低于上述发达国家,但反映突增情况的Burst指数位列第一(7.09),说明国内作者对该领域的兴趣与投入正在增加。国内机构中首都医科大学护理学院发文量最多(23篇),该机构吴瑛为中文发文量最多的作者(14篇),但并未形成规模较大的科学团体,且各个机构间缺乏交流与合作。关键词共现分析显示,国内外ICU谵妄研究领域的热点主要围绕在机械通气患者谵妄的预防与治疗、右美托咪定对于谵妄的作用及谵妄危险因素等方面。通过对共被引文献网络进行聚类显示,聚类4(风险评估)目前处于不断发展的过程中,是ICU谵妄研究领域的新趋势。结论:目前ICU谵妄领域的国内外研究存在较大差距,其主要研究力量多集中于美国科研机构,未来研究趋势倾向于谵妄相关风险评估。“,”Objective:To explored the progress of intensive care unit (ICU) delirium between 2010 and 2020 based on knowledge visualization analysis.Methods:The literatures related to ICU delirium included in Web of Sciences (WOS) and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) databases from 2010 to 2020 were collected. A bibliometric analysis was performed. The growth trend was showed by Excel 2019 software. The information about country, institution and author were extracted by VOSviewer 1.6.15 for generating cooperative network, to find the main research power and each cooperative relation. At the same time, Citespace 5.0.R1 was used to analyze those high frequency keywords and bursting keywords and build the map of co-citation reference, in order to explore the evolution of research in the field of ICU delirium and the hotspots about this field in recent 10 years.Results:A total of 1 102 Chinese journal articles and 2 422 English “Articles” or “Reviews” from 2010 to 2020 were collected preliminarily, and the number of published literatures increased steadily. In the respect of quality, the impact factors of most articles were concentrated between 2 and 3, and the literatures with impact factor over 5 accounted for 27.9% (337/1 209). According to the knowledge visualization analysis, the United States published most of the related articles (total 1 152) in this field, while the England and Canada ranked second and third respectively, totaling 220 and 204. In terms of the distribution of research institutions, the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine was not only far ahead in the number of publication ( n n = 149), but more importantly, top three high-impact authors located in this institution. The amount of domestic publications was lower than developed countries, however, the burst index, which reflected the sudden increase, ranked first (7.09), suggesting that the interest and investment of Chinese researchers was increasing recently. The most productive institution in China was Capital Medical University School of Nursing with totaling 23 articles. Wu Ying, who published most Chinese papers (n n = 14), belongs to this institution. However, it was a pity that there was no large scientific community be constructed in China, and the cooperation between institutions was deficient. By generating the co-occuring keyword mapping, the research hotpots mainly focused on the prevention, treatment and prevention of delirium in mechanically ventilated patients, the effect of dexmedetomidine and exploring the risk factor of ICU delirium. Finally, the results of co-citation reference analysis showed that Cluster 4 (risk assessment) was still in the process of development, in hence it was the frontier in this domain.n Conclusions:There was a big gap between China and leading countries in the field of ICU delirium research. The main research power was located in the United States, and the trending of future studies mainly focus on delirium-related risk assessment.