A brief analysis of the artistic expression of color in film creation

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  Color is an expressive art language. "The color effect is not only visually, but psychologically it should be understood and understood," Eaton said in color art. It can transform an admirer's dream into a spiritual realm.
  Scientific analysis shows that, first of all, different colors can cause people to have different physiological reactions. Eph at in his book the theory of visual when it comes to the results of his experiment: under the light irradiation, the person's muscle tension can be increased, the blood circulation can be accelerated, the increase of gradient is: in blue to a minimum, in turn according to the green, yellow, orange, red a gradual increase in sequence.
  Secondly, different colors will bring different reactions to people's psychology and emotions. Red symbolizes life, blood, vitality, love, violence, revolution, etc. Yellow symbolizes sunshine, joy, warmth, enjoyment, etc. Green symbolizes growth, life, youth, etc. Purple symbolizes nobility, sacrifice; And blue symbolizes calm, peace, purity, elegance, melancholy and romance.
  2.Colour fundamental key
  2.1 the appearance of hues
  For the theme, the whole film USES the same tone. In "yellow land" directed by Chen kaige, in order to express the artist's feelings about the land and national history, the whole film USES the warm color of orange. The golden color is all over the golden pond, and the theme reflects the warmth and charm of the evening love. In "birders", a cool color such as blue is used throughout the film to highlight romance. Also used in the cold tone throughout the film "good man good girl" is the expression of the love of the present pain of despair. To fit the theme, one paragraph of the film USES the same tone. For example, in the French film "a man and a woman", the various paragraphs in the film review adopt different color tendency according to different content. There are four different shades in the film, which tells the story of the four psychological processes of the hero and heroine.
  2.2the role of tone in the film.
  There are four main functions. The first is to render the environment, create the atmosphere of the film, and show the psychological process and emotions of the characters. "Doctor zhivago", pasha and lala in the scene of the fire of the hut, orange warm colors show a warm atmosphere and they are immersed in the happiness of love. Similarly, in "a man and a woman", the actor and actress in the pub scene also use orange to express the warm atmosphere and two people's mood. The second function is to express the author's thoughts and feelings and to highlight the main themes of the work. The blue and cool colors in birdman represent the distance between ideal and reality. In "doctor zhivago", the cool color of the blue color reflects the oppression of human nature and the author's criticism of this repression. The warm yellow tones in "yellow land" reflect the creator's deep affection for the land where we were born. The third is to express the artist's artistic style, romantic and lyrical feelings. Birdman, for example, "flies" in the blue light of the sea. The last one is to stylize the film.   In a film, it is conducive to the expression of the author's emotions, emotions and poetry, so that the film can form a unique and meaningful charm and style.
  3.Local hue
  The color of a specific object, such as a red umbrella, a woman's white dress, etc. There are two main roles of local hue in film. One is the theme,If the role of tone in the film is mainly to express the emotion and poetry of the author, and make the film stylized, then the role of local color is mainly reflected in the main theme. Movie "bird man", the hero of the blue dress showed his romantic, at the same time also have change, on the extent of the blue first blue plaid coat later developed into the clothes all is blue.
  The second is the play. French film "blue woman" can be said to be a complete movie, with local color conception mainly talked about the music command Peter luo in real life all day and some women who dress in red clothes together,, a chance to go out he met a woman who is wearing a blue blue.. The theme of "blue woman" writes the gap between reality and ideal, and writes about the pursuit of ideal. The story unfolds in color, Peter and the red-hot, realistic red, but he is not satisfied. He wants to pursue the romantic blue that does not exist in reality.4. color processing in film creation.
  4. color processing in film creation.
  Design the tone of the film according to the theme and style of the film. If it's a cool theme, use cool colors, warm themes with warm colors, and you can design a palette for the theme.
  Give a character or object in a special color, try to make it appear natural, not or less artificial trace, pay attention to the environment as a background or foil, people or things with these special color collocation, make the picture is balanced, harmonious, conform to the requirements of the composition of beauty. "Birdman" in the present time, the "bird man" costume is a cold tone, as a foil surrounding environment, people or things do not have a little bright red, appear very harmonious.
  Into the film from black and white to color film era, qualitative changes have taken place in picture image, color image, as the main body of the screen, picture color not only has the function of reducing the natural way of it possess convey the more creative and expressive function. Color has become an important part of the film language. Color is a visual language of special ideographic functions of modern film art concept, it can in addition to the color of the display itself, also can convey the plot of the story itself cannot convey information content.
摘要:本文阐述在小学数学教学中运用小组合作学习的意义与重要性,论述提高小学数学小组合作学习的有效性的策略:教师树立正确的合作学习观念,以学生为教学主体,教师充当小组合作学习的引导者的角色;教师结合实际向学生提出一些学生感兴趣的问题,为学生营造良好的合作学习的氛围;教师精选适合开展小组合作学习的内容引导学生进行合作学习。  关键词:小学数学;合作学习;有效性  随着“新课改”的推进与发展,小组合作学
彼时,我坐着车南下。  窗外晨光熹微,流动的金色给白皑皑天幕映下一个诱惑以光明的金戳。我单手支颐,抬手在眉骨处搭了一个遮阳棚。  车子远离了城区,鳞次栉比的高楼大厦渐渐退向了渺渺茫茫的雾气里,南方重峦叠嶂的山峦缠绕住了天际,泼洒着老旧的光晕。  初夏盛晴天里,入眼处闯入一片老旧的光晕。让我想起了最初的岁月。  我的童年浸泡在故乡的晨露中,像一串晶莹透亮的肥皂泡泡,浮动在琉璃色的空气中,折射着缤纷的
摘要:在她的作品中,张爱玲创作了许多女性角色。这些女性角色具有不同的个性和不同的结局,本文主要分析张爱玲小说中的四位女性人物。20世纪40年代的女性小说家张爱玲,通过她对女性心理、情感、生活和理解的理解,通过她独特的视角和精神意识,为她的小说构建了一个生动的世界女性形象,这对中国儿童女权主义小说具有独特的意义。  关键字:张爱玲小说;女性;人物形象  1.前言  张爱玲在其作品中,塑造了很多女性人
摘要:随着科学技术的不断进步,我国经济实力随之发展,社会也逐渐变得愈加多元化,人们对于身边事物的要求也愈加多样,但是现在的舞蹈编导已然不能达到当今社会人们对舞蹈编导的需求,舞蹈飙到要适应现在市场的变化节奏,健全原有舞蹈飙到形式固化的情况,尽全力适应人们的要求,文章中经过分析舞蹈编导在多元化社会中的定位,来研究舞蹈编导在当代要怎样发展下去,以此希望舞蹈编导能够健康持续的发展。  关键词:舞蹈编导;多
摘要:创新意识主要是由独立性思维、好奇心、创造以及求知欲等因素所组成的,而这些因素在学生时代最为活跃,所以说,要想养成较为良好的创新意识最好是在学生时代加强培养和教育。初中政治作为学生初中阶段必学科目之一,其对于学生而言有着较为重要的作用,而教师在对学生进行教学的过程中,不仅要对学生进行知识以及思想道德教育,还需要对学生展开创新意识培养,以此来真正顺应时代发展潮流,培育出创新型应用人才。  关键词
摘要:本文主要探究了小号吹奏紧张,怯场这一情况。作为一名优秀的小号演奏者,不但需要扎实的吹奏能力,还要有良好的吹奏状态。然而,在学习过程中,人们总是忽略小号吹奏心理素质的培养,导致各类舞台紧张的情况,于是培养好小号演奏者的吹奏状态是至关重要的。  本文从“准备充分,树立自信心,冷静从容。”三个方面来,浅谈小号演奏心理素质的培养。主要强调了上台吹奏前充足的准备,必需要有充足的技能训练;必须将乐谱熟记
Abstract:Starting from the background of its birth, this paper studies the application of surrealism in photography, and explores the reasons why surrealism is widely used in photography.  Key words:p