
来源 :山东人大工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lucien001
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发展为先,民生为重。去年以来,平阴县人大常委会把“转方式、调结构、保民生”作为监督工作的重中之重,围绕工业指数、民生指标、幸福指数3个数字,把审议、视察、执法检查、调研等监督方式有机结合起来,加强对事关改革发展全局和群众普遍关注的热点、难点问题的监督,促进了全县经济社会平稳较快发展。 Development first, livelihood as the most important. Since last year, Pingyin County People’s Congress Standing Committee put “turning the way, adjusting the structure and protecting the livelihood of the people” as the most important task in supervision. Around the three indexes of industrial index, livelihood index and happiness index, the Standing Committee reviewed, inspected and enforced the law Inspection, supervision and other supervision methods organically combine to strengthen the supervision of the hot and difficult issues concerning the overall reform and development of the general public and the masses, and promote the steady and rapid economic and social development of the county.
上周日本地震和海啸造成的人员伤亡是无法用金钱估价的。对经济损失加以估计虽然做得到,但必须多加谨慎。重建支出是可以估算的——巴克莱资本(Barclays Capita)l给出的区间