A New Minimal Rough Set Axiom Group

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bamboo007
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Rough set axiomatization is one aspect of rough set study, and the purpose is to characterize rough set theory using independable and minimal axiom groups. Thus, rough set theory can be studied by logic and axiom system methods. To characterize rough set theory, an axiom group named H consisting of 4 axioms, is proposed. That validity of the axiom group in characterizing rough set theory is reasonable, is proved. Simultaneously, the minimization of the axiom group, which requires that each axiom is an inequality and each is independent, is proved. The axiom group is helpful for researching rough set theory by logic and axiom system methods. Rough set axiomatization is one aspect of rough set study, and the purpose is to characterize rough set theory using independable and minimal axiom groups. Thus, rough set theory can be studied by logic and axiom system methods. To characterize rough set theory, an axiom That validity of the axiom group in characterizing rough set theory is reasonable, is proved. Simultaneously, the minimization of the axiom group, which requires that each axiom is an inequality and each is independent, is proved. The axiom group is helpful for researching rough set theory by logic and axiom system methods.
目的 探究慢性肾脏病不同中医证型间生化指标结果,分析其差异性.方法 研究选取本院肾内科收治的慢性肾脏疾病患者为分析对象,共计200例,经中医证候分型,本虚证患者112例,脾肾
目的 探讨利用心电图对急性下壁心肌梗死进行诊断的价值和效果.方法 选择2019年1月至2020年3月作为本次研究调查时间,期间对本院接受急性下壁心肌梗死治疗的患者临床资料进行