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  hat Does Citizen Journalism Mean?
  Greg Prince (Sheridan University): Anybody can be a journalist at this point, and report on it, capture, along with the modern technologies that we have today, can capture the event, and post it onto a multitude of websites.
  Andrew Mitrovica (Sheridan University): I don’t think the mainstream media has to see it necessarily as a threat. It’s just another development in the history in journalism.
  Nathan Mallett (Sheridan University): I think, in a way, has also, in a sense, made journalists lazier as professionals. You can 1)cobble a story together pretty easily using Google. You don’t even have to leave your desk, and you can put together what looks like, and sounds like, and reads like a real news story.
  Garret Joyce (Sheridan University): Now that things can be posted so quickly on the Internet, it’s almost like we lose a stage, or two, or three, of sober second thought.
  hat Does the Future Hold for a Trained Journalist?
  Andrew: I think employers are going to continue to push journalists to be able to not only work in print journalism, but broadcast journalism, online journalism, so I think for the journalists, it’s gotta be a much more demanding profession.
  Erika Engel (Sheridan University): Many of Canada’s journalism schools have evolved with the technological world, offering a multidisciplinary program with several media options.
  Andrew: I think, as history has shown, you know, some forms of media are gotta become 2)anachronistic within a generation or two, and you have to adapt, or, unfortunately, die.
  Erika: It looks like it’s survival of the fittest in the journalism world, citizen and professional alike.

  hat Is the Future of Media?
  David Silverberg (Managing Director, It’s a question we get asked all the time, and while many opinions vary on how mainstream media will compete with citizen journalism, we think citizen media will complement it.
  Chris Hogg (CEO, And all you need to do is look at how the mainstream press has incorporated citizen media and incorporated citizen journalism into its regular coverage, and we think of it as a sign of what’s to come.
  大卫·西尔弗伯格( 常务总裁):这是一个我们总会被问到的问题,虽然对于主流媒体将如何与全民新闻竞争有很多不同的见解,但我们认为平民媒体将成为主流媒体的补充。
  克里斯·霍格( 首席执行官):你只需要观察主流媒体是如何将平民媒体及全民新闻包含到它的日常报道中,我们认为这是媒体未来走向的信号。

  David: CBS, for example, launched a citizen journalist site and application for the Apple iPhone. Citizen reporters can upload photos right from their mobiles. Canadian media company, CTV, also got in the game with their own user-generated site called MYNEWS, and CNN’s iReport went the extra mile for their first film festival relating to the US election, of course citizen journalists involved. There’s even citizen media projects in the Middle East. Al Jazeera has started an Arab-language citizen journalism site.
  So the future of citizen journalism, we believe, will incorporate all of the above. It really and truly is a multi-media experience that bridges various web sites and applications together. It’s video, it’s the power of the written word, it’s photography, it’s mobility through things like cell phones. Really and truly, citizen journalism is everywhere and often where the mainstream media isn’t. That gives them an edge.

  大卫:比如,哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)为苹果的iPhone用户开设了一个全民新闻网站,非专业记者用他们的手机就可以上传照片。加拿大传媒公司CTV也加入这个行列,推出了用户自己上传的网站,称之为MYNEWS。美国有线新闻电视网(CNN)的iReport节目更进一步,举办了他们的第一个与美国选举有关的电影节,当然非专业记者也参与其中。甚至在中东也有平民媒体项目,半岛电视台(Al Jazeera)启动了一个阿拉伯语全民新闻网站。
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