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法国作家雨果曾在他的著作《笑面人》中说过:人心的波动是无限的,一个人也可能像一只船一样触礁沉没。而道德则正是把握这只人生之船的舵。也许有人会说:在物质文明高度发达的今天,我们只要有法律约束就足够了。诚然,法律可以严格规范人们的某些言行,却无法规范人们的所有言行以及思想活动。君不见大洋彼岸的美国,拥有令人称羡的发达经济和严格法律,但同时也拥有令人震惊的高犯罪率和令人心寒的种族歧视。这些问题,仅靠法律就解决得了么?而爱国之情、邻里之谊、自强之志,又岂是一纸条文可以涵盖的呢?因此,道德作为 French writer Hugo once said in his book Smile Face that the fluctuation of people's hearts is infinite and one person may sink and sink like a boat. And morality is the helm of the ship of this life. Some people may say: In today's highly developed material civilization, as long as we have legal constraints is sufficient. It is true that the law can strictly regulate certain words and deeds of people but can not regulate all the words, deeds and thoughts of people. Do not you see the United States across the oceans, with its envied and developed economy and its strict laws, but with alarmingly high rates of crime and chilling racial discrimination. Can these problems be solved by the law alone? And is patriotism, the friendship of the neighborhood, and the ambition of self-reliance to be covered by a piece of paper? Therefore, morality as a
中考作文举足轻重,现在考生们正利用最后三个月紧张备考,面对语文作文,我们来做以下分析: The composition of the examination is very important. Now the candidates are
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秋天的草丛变成了另一个样子。小草叶子发黄,背也弓着,有收获和没收获的脑袋,它们都在想些什么呢?燕子、蝴蝶、蜜蜂、蜻蜓上哪去了呢? Autumn grass has become another look.
本文结合郑州动车段实际,比较系统全面分析定额管理方面存在的问题和不足,结合当前实际,提出了相应的建议和对策。 In this paper, the actual situation of Zhengzhou moto