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金秋八月,来到内蒙古巴彦淖尔盟。但见车站街旁,田头柳下,瓜摊处处,香气四溢这便是集甜梨、苹果、蜜桃和香蕉四种果香于一身的河套蜜瓜的奉献。瓜未到口人先醉,离去犹带满身香。令人不解的是,这种与新疆哈蜜瓜齐名的河套特产,当地人何以叫它做“华莱士”?于是,我便四处请教。有人说,这是从王爷到巴盟盟长的达理扎雅,由外商手中购得籽种,引种而成;另一说是有人从兰州带来,培植而成;也有人说是比利时传教士华莱士,在三盛公传教时带来甜瓜……。众说纷纭,莫衷一是。这一迷惑困扰我多年而不得其 Autumn in August, came to Inner Mongolia Bayannaoer League. But see the station street, Tamagotchi, melon booth everywhere, overflowing fragrance is set sweet pear, apple, peach and banana four kinds of fruit in one of the dedication of the honeycomb. Melon did not reach the mouth first drunk, leaving still covered with incense. What is puzzling is why this locality calls it “Wallace” because of this specialty of Hetao which is synonymous with honeydew melon in Xinjiang? So, I went around for advice. Some people say that this is from the royal prince to the chief of the League of Barrett Zayya, purchased by the foreign hands of the seed, the introduction made; the other said that someone brought from Lanzhou, cultivate; others say that the mission of Belgium Wallace, who brings melons to San Gong publicity .... Different opinions, incomprehensible. This confusion has troubled me for many years
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